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Ilse Mindling

Yoga Instructor

Athens, Georgia

Formerly of Port Charlotte, Florida


Thursdays, 9:30am to 10:30am

Greystone HOA Clubhouse, 109 Rockford Drive

Athens, Georgia

Ilse with friend at Selby Gardens

"I was introduced to Hatha Yoga by a close friend during the early 70's.   When I realized what a tremendous effect Yoga had on my overall well being, physically as well as mentally, I made Yoga part of my daily life."

Ilse Mindling

Article in the Miami News

Ilse was mentioned in this
Miami News Column on August 12, 1981.

Nancy Humphries, WTVJ Miami, interviews Ilse

Nancy Humphries (O'Dell), WTVJ Miami, interviews Ilse at IBM Coral Gables on
April 25th, 1995."


Ilse's instructors include: Ms. Juana Arenas; Bobbi Goldin; Mr. Shuto; Sri Gangeshwari Devi [June Blank] M.S., Miami, Fl; John Friend, Anusara Yoga; Erich Schiffmann, author of "Yoga - The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness " Lilias Folan, known for her television shows on PBS; Bryan Kest, known for his Power Astanga style of Yoga;And Kundalini Yoga instructors Ana Brett and Ravi Singh.

While Ilse has perfected her teaching and classes through years of real classroomexperience, she always attends annual yoga instructional sessions with nationally renowned yoga instructors.


Frank Kavanaugh, SNN Channel 6, Interviews Ilse on Charlotte Today
Frank Kavanaugh, SNN Channel 6,
Interviews Ilse on Charlotte Today, February 27th, 2004

"I started yoga about 6 months ago. After a brief hiatus due to our hurricanes, I have continued. I am amazed at how yoga is reshaping my body, reducing stress, and improving my flexibility. Most of all the insomnia I had from menopause is gone and the tingling and numbness in my hands in the middle of the night are gone. I am reading about yoga philosophy. And I enjoy the calm and soothing direction from Ilse.

Thank you Ilse."

What is Hatha Yoga?

"The great advantage of Hatha Yoga exercises is that they bring allmuscle groups into play.Muscles are slowly stretched to full length. The asanas, or poses, areheld in perfect stillness, causing blood to flow evenly throughout thebody. With the improvement of muscle tone and flexibility of thejoints and spine, sluggish and aging glands are revitalized. ThroughYoga we also learn that deep, controlled breathing is nature'stranquilizer and rejuvenation.

Each Yoga session is followed by a deep and complete relaxation period,where we learn to use the power of autosuggestion to consciously relax every part of our body, as well as calming the mind.

Yoga truly holds the key to a balanced body, mind and spirit."

Ilse addresses the Bon Secours Womens Expo

Ilse was the kick off presenter at the 2004 Bon Secours Women's Connection Expo in Punta Gorda, February, 2004, giving a presentation on the benefits of yoga.


Ilse, I enjoy your class so much and it has helped me with chronic back pain. If it wasn't for yoga I do not know what shape my back would be in. Very glad the girls at the job told me about your class about 3 years ago. Looking forward to next Wednesday.



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