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Ilse Mindling

Yoga Instructor,
Port Charlotte, Florida

What You Need to Know Before Attending Class!


Arrive for Class 10 Minutes Early!
Class is a more relaxed and enjoyable experience when everyone arrives on time!

  1. Come comfortably dressed so you can move freely
  2. Bring a Yoga Mat.  They are readily available at many locations at reasonable prices.   Exercise mats are often ill-suited for yoga poses
  3. Eat lightly 1/2 - 2 hours before class.
  4. Please don't wear perfume as some people may have allergies.
  5. Please tell the Instructor about any health issues or injuries you may have.
  6. Please, Please, do not attend class if you are nursing a cold or a cough!
  7. Yoga is NOT a competition sport! Everyone progresses at their own rate!
  8. Enjoy and have fun, Yoga is meant for all

Is Yoga a Religion?

No, Yoga is not a religion. There is a misperception by some that yoga is a religious practice. Yoga is not a religion, it is a philosophy

Yoga sometimes interweaves other philosophies such as Buddhism or Hindism. However, it is not necessary to study those paths in order to practice or study yoga.

Practicing yoga does not interfere whatsoever in your own religious beliefs


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Ilse Mindling - Yoga For Every Age
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